Monday, May 26, 2008

Untitled 2.

Under construction...but ima put it up anway..

When I woke up this morning, half

comatose, the only thing

on my mind even remotely

close to any definition of ‘challenge’ was

to rush and catch the 9:11 bus.

The only goal, to have breakfast

To make sure my clothes were ironed

Out, hair brushed, contacts

In place.

Keep up with this


Trying to arrange, organise

The chaos in my mind, to still

The pendulum that is my world.


It hits me that

The banality of my life, the stale

Menial detail, pettiness

Of my existence is laughable.

What are my goals? My challenges?

To think

I’ve made each day my battle,

Each day the ironed shirt my armour

The bus,

Last of the escaping fleet of ships, the


My last meal.

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