Thursday, January 17, 2008


inspired by the thousands of people who turned up to run for the Terry Fox run. wish they'd show the enthusiasm for other issues. (excuse the bitterness.)

their lives are pivoted round blurs of
monotonous trends, monotony of friends,
the mall their
inflamer, their extinguisher,
and of all these
unsubstantial lives,
a single day spent running
for terry fox
fulfills their
debt to humanity.
miraculously makes them


darknight said...

Surely any gesture is better than nothing? In a monotony of existence any chance for hope or any chance for feeling like ure doing something good is by no means a crime?

E said...

not at all no...but when ur intention is jus to go out there and hav fun cuz evryones goin, its become a fad u see? theyre not goin to do sumthin gud, more like its the IN thing? u get me...or mayb thts jus whut i think.